Articles and Contributions
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GoINPHARMA, October 2015
Many companies advertise big data solutions as "the next thing" in the C-suites. But how does an implementation look like and how can it concretely help in business life and create tangible value for your company? In this article published on GoINPHARMA™ Lorenzo Formiconi and myself expand on the role of big data solutions in procurement in pharma, how they can reshape the business processes, and which are the pitfalls that a big data transformation implies.
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Pharmaforum, April 2013
Big Data is a visible and proven trend, which is delivering exponentially growing data sources to all stakeholders within healthcare and pharma. To start leveraging these assets, there is a need for both concrete ideas and a framework to “acid-test” related business hypothesis. Here, Lorenzo Nanetti offers a focused, yet pragmatic approach to address these.
Webinar held on March 28th, 2013
Note: This webinar is not longer online, but you have here the original slides.
The webinar focuses on the challenges around Big Data and how companies can systematically start the process to transform these challenges into concrete opportunities. Big Data is a visible and proven trend, which delivers exponentially growing data sources to all stakeholders. To start leveraging these assets, there is a need for (i) concrete ideas and (ii) a framework to “acid-test” related business hypothesis. This webinar will present a focused, yet pragmatic manner to approach first steps.
Lorenzo Nanetti (Sr. Principal, IMS Commercial Effectiveness Practice) will present Big Data basics along with examples demonstrating how different industries were successfully approaching the challenge. Based on these examples, he will drive the analysis into healthcare relevant areas by using thinking processes similar to those resulting from the examples. As a final result, the audience will observe how a specific business challenge can be approached under the light of Big Data, as well as identify the critical success factors for a comprehensive proof of hypothesis.
IMS Kundentagung, Rüschlikon, November 2012
The roundtable focuses on the challenges around Big Data and how companies can systematically start the process to transform these challenges into concrete opportunities. Big Data is a visible and proven trend, which delivers exponentially growing data sources to all stakeholders. To start leveraging these assets, there is a need for (i) concrete ideas and (ii) a framework to “acid-test” related business hypothesis in their ability to add substantial value. This roundtable will discuss a focused, yet pragmatic manner to approach first steps and will address recent IMS project experience.
Key roundtable objectives:
Review Big Data basic characteristics
Understand impact of Big Data to commercial operations (and other functions)
Discuss a pragmatic approach to business challenges
Test a framework to develop concrete ideas and approach implementation steps
Share and discuss project examples.
IMS Customer Forum, Lisboa, September 2012
The commercial model of the pharmaceutical industry is facing significant structural challenges, which are radically transforming old business models. Technology influences this transformation in many different ways. Integration of modern technology (e.g. Google) opens up new opportunities, while mobility increases productivity of the expert workforce. New Stakeholders emerge and new skills and channels are required to reach, communicate and influence healthcare decisions. Networks and social media are playing an increasingly important role in the healthcare environment. Health 2.0 has revolutionized the way patients consume information: a “multilogue” shapes brand perception.
September 2012
Increase in digitalization of health care information will allow an easier and universal spread of this knowledge. Similarly to what happened in education, more and more consumers will have simple and cheap global access to health care information. Those patients which are willing to take the lead in managing their diseases will have all the tools to do it (comparing treatments; profiting from shared experiences; gathering opinions of specialists). The health care system as a whole will be able to work and act based on much more inputs than before, while increasing the quality of the available information and lowering the costs of service delivery.
Pharmafocus, October 2003
A more systematic approach to clinical development of a drug, particularly patient recruitment will help deliver drugs to market faster and with fewer surprises.
Deine Bahn, Juli 2007
Es wird geschätzt, dass so genannte „Knowledge Workers“ bis zur Hälfte ihrer Arbeitszeit für die Suche von wertgenerierenden Informationen aufwenden müssen. Dennoch konnten die meisten firmenweiten Such-Projekte in Hinblick auf die erhoffte Produktivitätssteigerung nicht überzeugen. Mit dem Konzept von kontext-sensitiven, Business-orientierte Informationssuche (Search Solutions) für Unternehmen soll n Zukunft ein Mitarbeiter nur jene Informationen zugespielt bekommen, welche für seine Tätigkeit auch relevant sind.
Handelszeitung, Mai 2007
Datensuche – Studien haben gezeigt, dass Manager und Mitarbeiter bis zur Hälfte ihrer Arbeitszeit für die Suche von benötigten Informationen aufwenden müssen. Mit intelligenter Informationsverteilung und intelligenten Such-Lösungen liesse sich der Aufwand reduzieren
Chemische Rundschau, Dezember 2001
Mit diesem Artikel wollen wir zunächst die Vision der zukünftigen Pharmawelt so zeigen, wie sie die Experten sehen. Danach ergänzen wir das Bild mit praktischen Projekterfahrungen und zeigen mögliche Wege, wie sich ein Unternehmen infrastrukturell und organisatorisch in Richtung Konkretisierung der Vision bewegen könnte. Die Akzente werden auf praktisch realisierbare Schritte gesetzt, welche vor allem für das Senior- und Exekutivmanagement in Form von nachvollziehbaren „Business Cases“ eine Hilfe darstellen werden.
Biovalley Newsletter, June 2001
Where is the pharmaceutical industry going?
Existing interaction between enterprise vision and tactical realisation is well known for years also in the pharmaceutical industry. By using these modern methods, enterprises have for sure realised successful and high qualitative projects. Nevertheless, stagnation of e-projects is clearly visible in the pharmaceutical industry.
Chemische Rundschau, Januar 1999
Firmen, die auf dem Gebiet der pharmazeutischen Entwicklung und Produktion, der Massenproduktion-Synthese, der Biotechnologie und im Medizinalgerätehandel tätig sind, haben eines gemeinsam: Sie müssen die behördliche Bestimmungen für GxP-Umgebungen erfüllen (Good Clinical Practices, Good Laboratory Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices). Vor allem wenn es darum geht, die US-amerikanische FDA zu befriedigen, bietet die Software "Validation Factory" von Compuware eine leistungsfähige und überaus kostengünstige Lösung.
Sysdata, Juli 1998
Der Netzwerk-Manager ist oft der Sündenbock für alle Probleme, die ein Unternehmen im IT-Bereich hat. Seine Kontrollaufgabe wird von manchen Führungskräften als reine Bit-Zählerei betrachtet. Deswegen schenken sie ihr nicht die nötige Beachtung. Doch das Netzwerk-Management ist keine untergeordnete Aufgabe. Es sollte unternehmensweit betrachtet werden.