Atos joins the Green Lab initiative: Atos and Green Lab to help Swiss research reduce CO2 emissions
Atos is now an active member of the Bern-based Green Lab initiative. As part of, Green Lab supports Swiss research...
Atos tritt Green-Lab-Initiative bei. Das Ziel: Schweizer Forschungslabore beim CO2-Sparen unterstütz
Atos ist ab sofort aktives Mitglied der in Bern beheimateten Initiative Green Lab. Als Teil von unterstützt Green Lab...
Faster, easier and cheaper technology transfer: a new differentiator for pharma and biotech companie
In the pharma and biotech industry, the process of technology transfer plays a critical role in the journey from initial concept through...
Big Data und die Implementierung von agilem Verkaufen
Cold-Calling ja, aber… Früher feierten wir Verkäufer, welche 20, 30, 50 Anrufe für einen Termin getätigt haben. Wie viele dieser Anrufe...
Buyer-Persona-Profile nicht vermasseln!
Trotz der bekannten Bedeutung von Inhalten in unserem digitalen Zeitalter, glauben 88% der „Marketers“ nicht, dass sie das richtige...
Do not screw up your buyer persona profiles!
Despite the recognized importance of contents in our digital era, 88% of marketers do not believe they can target the right audience with...
Satisfied with the Status Quo? LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is not for you.
When initially talking with interested companies, there is a need for education on what LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is and what it is not. Summarizi
Quick Survey: While wishing a healthy life to everybody...
While wishing a healthy life to everybody, each of us was – is – or will be confronted with a medical condition. Our experience is...
Future Health Index – The Capacity to Care - facilitated executive reading
This report reveals not only systemic limits, but also perceived threats from all stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem. Nonetheless,...
Sense of Urgency in einem Tag aufbauen? Ja, es ist möglich.
“70% aller Change-Initiativen in Unternehmen scheitern” (Quelle: Cracking the Code of Change, Harvard Business Review). In Zeiten von...